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Philomathean Lodge #2, F. & A. M., MWPHGLCA, INC.

      Philomathean Lodge No. 2, F. & A. M. was one of the three Constituent Lodges. It was established in the City of Sacramento, California by  the Most Worshipful National Grand Lodge on November 6, 1853. Nathaniel Christopher was the Worshipful Master of the Lodge at that time and had the honor of being elected the first Junior Grand Warden at the formation of the Grand Lodge.

    Though numbered #2 by the current Grand Lodge, Philomathean is the oldest Lodge in the state of California.

     Philomathean is derived from the Greek Philomath, which means "A LOVER OF LEARNING". The motto of the Philomathean Society is "SIC ITUR AD ASTRA (Latin for "THUS WE PROCEED TO THE STARS").

    Philomathean Lodge #2 has produced four Most Worshipful Past Grand Masters

Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Edwin A. Clarke

Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Robert J. Fletcher

Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Abraham f. Holland

Most Worshipful Past Grand Master William H. Mauldin

Meets Second and Fourth Tuesday. The gavel strikes at 1900(7:00)

3741 Altos Ave.

Sacramento, California